Tag Archives: concerts

[#250-#252]: My First Concert in Brooklyn, C.S.S., and Sleigh Bells

Last Thursday I was blessed enough to get to see Sleigh Bells and CSS in the same night at the Music Hall of Williamsburg. The location is great. I’m used to going to an arena and having to pay for 20 dollars drinks for a slight buzz before the show. The Price is Right at M.H.O.W. with cheap drinks and a great bar to hang outside in before the show and between sets.

The show itself was high energy, perfect size place to get every beat clammed into your pores, and back to back rock goddesses. Lovefoxxx was fantastic , fronting C.S.S. and belting their hits from the breakthrough “Music is my Hot, Hot Sex” and a edgier rendition “Art Bitch”. [favorite line, “suck my art hole”] Sleigh Bells came out heavy as a brick with “Iron Man” blasting and Krauss bringing the boys to their knees. Personal fave’s when they came out was of course “Riot Rhythm” and then “Rill Rill” which I love enough to put on the walk down the aisle to list.

After the show we ended up at Santo’s where C.S.S. did a DJ set, we raged like it was our birthday, and ended up behind the stage with Adriano Cintra from the band enjoying some “snacks” [use your imagination kids]. Perfection. Also if someone says “they can make you a star”, run in the opposite direction. They either are trying to steal an organ, or your virginity. Possibly even your dignity.

All in all, the show was a blast and I can’t wait for more Brooklyn Concerts to come.

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