Tag Archives: bryan greenberg

[#593 & #594]: “Ho to Make it in America” on a Friday Night

Staying in with the raindrops, cheese, and remote on a Friday Nite catching a “How to Make it in America” marathon on HBO.

Texted my best friend about it and wrote “Ho to Make it America”. I laugh pretty hard at my own jokes.

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{#127}: Extra! Extra!

While trying not to become one of the many hobos who occupy the streets of NYC and looking for decent place to live via Craigslist, I found my calling, well at least for the following Tuesday.

Looking for extras for HBO’s How to Make it in America…

I immediately sent a couple of outdated, edited Facebook photos and my contact info to the agency and went about my life. The next morning I recieved an email saying to come in nightlife attire on Tuesday. I shouted to my friends dog “Luna I’m a star!!!” and gloated all the way til Tuesday. It was a 6am call time. Oh the life of an actor. Yeah right. I soon realized that if you were’nt in the guild you might as well be a freshman on your first day in high school until you are in. I sat at the wrong table and was asked if I was in the guild. I said no while they pointed to the sign that said GUILD ONLY. Oh second class citizens and their failure to see the obvious.

Everything after that was cool. Met some people who were as clueless as I was. Got called to the front of line to be at a table that would be filmed. Saw Victor Rasuk who plays Cam (who goggled my Lady Gagas),  Eddie Kaye Thomas who plays Kappo (who banged stiflers mom), and Bryan Greenberg who plays Ben Epstein (needless to say the shining moment).

It was fantastical. Our table kept getting greeted with bottle ladies who pantomimed if we wanted a bottle of champagnes. Of course I went “Yeaaaahhhh!!!” til they walked away and realized we were supposed to be like No thanks. [warning! in all other occasions, never say no to champagne]  So I wrote that into my script. Already improvising. Larry David, take notes. Then women on stilts, something close to Vegas girls, and even a gold gilded Cleopatra in a golden tub was carried out throwing star glitter into the air landing straight into our hearty Italian dishes. That’s just what the sauce was missing. What I forgot to mention was that the scene was filmed at Lavo. Glad my first time there was at 6 am with HBO and Bryan Greenberg. Another reason to be happy and love NYC.

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